What can I expect?
In total, an NCCF service is about 70 minutes in length. Services begin with the worship team leading the church in music - song lyrics are projected onto the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. The music portion of service will end with prayer, and one of our teaching pastors will come out to share a practical and encouraging message from the Bible.
What about covid19?
Great question! Things are changing often with COVID-19 regulations and we’re carefully proceeding while following regulations and rules. We encourage you to check out our full COVID-19 church guide, but in short, all of our campuses require masks to be worn indoors and outdoors while on campus, and we’ve provided physical distanced seating and limited our capacity. We also provide a cleaning team that is making sure all surfaces maintain extra sanitization! But other than that, our services feel normal and continue to be an encouraging and essential part of our week.
We believe that kids should have a blast at church every single week - and at NCCF, we make this a priority. The other thing we make a priority is your children’s safety. Because of that, we have a detailed check-in process for our NCCF KIDS program the first time that you visit. You’ll want to leave yourself an extra few minutes to get signed in for the NCCF Kids experience if it’s your first Sunday. Kids ministry is offered at every service!
What should I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable attending church and aren’t worried about appearance here! Come as you are and experience community together!